
Unlock Your Full Potential

With Expert Coaching Solutions
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a man and woman sitting at a table

In the rapidly evolving business world, staying ahead requires more than just the best strategies or technologies—it demands the best from your leaders and teams. Our bespoke coaching services guide you through complex business challenges, enhancing personal performance and driving your team towards operational excellence.

    Our Coaching Services

    Business Coaching

    Leadership Coaching

    Executive Coaching

    Agile Coaching

    Personal Coaching

    Business Coaching

    Tailored to entrepreneurs and business managers, helping navigate complexities, refine strategies, and enhance operational efficiency.

    Leadership Coaching

    Develop the ability to motivate and engage teams, creating a vibrant organisational culture.

    Executive Coaching

    For senior leaders mastering decision-making and strategic thinking in high-stakes environments.

    Agile Coaching

    Adopt agile principles to improve collaboration, speed up delivery, and enhance product quality.

    Personal Coaching

    Overcome personal barriers and enhance career and life satisfaction.

    Our Approach

    Our coaching programs are built on trust, confidentiality, and commitment to your success. We use proven methodologies and tools, tailored to fit your needs and challenges.



    Veritern is a bag of energy, proactive, first to engage, results-oriented Agilist, Project, Programme, Development and Coaching. They have a great attitude and temperament for this and have a good style for training and coaching. They are extremely approachable.

    Veritern leaned in for me on several occasions when I was actively pursuing Agile opportunities in my own organisation, they reached out and helped me make a business case, get launched, and then coached us on getting up and running and how to be successful with an Agile approach.

    They quickly attached themselves to the Agile movement here and became a key tutor for Agile Learning. I hope that Veritern remains in DXC for some time, but if not they would make an asset to any company who is embarking on or established in Agile methodologies, KANBAN, SCRUM, SAFe, etc.

    David S
    DXC Technology

    Veritern is a dynamo. They roll up their sleeves and do whatever is needed to move the team forward.

    Though they have a thorough understanding of various Agile Frameworks that can assist the team in forming the right processes for their specific circumstances, Veritern’s greatest asset is that they care about the members of their team and work to help each person achieve their professional and personal goals. I look forward to my next opportunity to work with Veritern.

    Richard E

    It has been a fantastic experience working with Veritern. With a team not really pro-change and trailing a long history of delays, Veritern used their extensive agile knowledge and an array of team techniques to turn the ship around.

    They don’t hesitate to say and do what is needed to get things moving in the right direction, and in this case the team got underway, started following process and delivered! Veritern is a scrum artist and a great team to be around, I would love to work with them again in the future to get things done!

    Marc D

    Veritern formó parte de nuestro equipo de Agile Coaches, ayudándonos en la transformación hacia las nuevas formas de trabajo.

    Fueron una pieza clave en el equipo, mostrando polivalencia y capacidad para actuar en todas las capas de la transformación, desde portfolios hasta el nivel producto y con los equipos tanto en la práctica ágil como en las prácticas de ingeniería para crear equipos de alto rendimiento.

    Su versatilidad supone un valor añadido a tener en cuenta.

    Chema G
    Bank of Stantander

    He tenido la oportunidad de trabajar con Veritern casi 2 años. Durante este tiempo, la empresa ha demostrado gran profesionalidad y conocimiento sobre frameworks, prácticas y procesos de transformación ágil.

    Su implicación en el proyecto ha sido total, compartiendo todo su conocimiento y experiencia con el equipo y siempre dispuestos a ayudar a quien lo necesitase. Ha sido un placer y toda una experiencia trabajar con ellos.

    Jose N
    Bank of Stantander

    Veritern was a great addition to our team to drive, support, and progress our focus, taking us to the next level of development required to become more consumer-centric.

    They deployed their expertise in designing a program involving large and smaller sub-workshops that worked across our global team with members based mainly in Japan and European locations.

    Veritern introduced techniques such as the Design Thinking double diamond process, combined with targeted techniques like the 4 W’s and 5 Whys. Given our broad global footprint, Veritern helped create an open and collaborative environment to ensure all members were able to be heard. The group was bought in and active throughout the process to deliver a great output, involving 38 ideas, which was far more than we expected, and we received approval to move to the next phase.

    We believe the team had a positive experience throughout and we highly recommend Veritern’s services to any organization looking to achieve meaningful and lasting results.

    Senior Leader
    Swiss Multinational

    Before Veritern came to Launchpad, I didn’t have a lot of support when it came to personal growth or my role. I was appointed as the Scrum Master at LP, a title at times I couldn’t bring myself to say out loud and felt alone for most of 2020.

    When Veritern arrived it was a real turning point in my mind and career. I suddenly had to be truly transparent with someone I didn’t know and allow them to see where my gaps were (and there were a few!).

    The conversations and Teams meetings that I used to dread, through my own fear of being perceived as stupid, have now become the reason I come to work each day. I feel supported, nurtured, and feel as though I’ve grown so much over the past 5/6 months. I’ve found my voice and my confidence thanks to Veritern and can only hope this will continue.

    Their mentoring has helped me immensely, and our conversations are richer because of this.


    Veritern joined us at Dunelm at a critical time, shortly after a brand acquisition, and at the start of a large-scale agile transformation.

    They were effective agents for change from the start, quick to challenge the status quo, restructure our teams and workflow processes, and handle our various egos with a disarming neutrality that is often missing from certain others.

    I would happily recommend and work with Veritern again if I ever require their services in the future.

    James W

    Veritern’s experienced Agile coaching and mentoring, has played a pivotal role in our transformation.

    They are highly knowledgeable with regards to Product Management and the Value Chain, with the practical experience to back it up. Their experience in high-performance delivery and coaching method allowed us to work much closely as a team to ‘get things done’ and focus on outcomes.

    I valued Veritern’s experience and coaching style in agile and delivery practices and would recommend them to any organisations looking to increase their teams’ and organisational performance.

    James H

    Veritern provided Agile coaching at Dunelm, bringing with them a wealth of experience and knowledge that was paramount to helping us on our journey to transformation.

    They were able to leverage their knowledge and experiences to make some great recommendations, which we have continued to build on and implement.

    Coaching and mentoring from Veritern was a great and always they found the time to sit down and talk through ideas and solutions.

    They leave us in a much better shape than when they first started, and we are grateful for their expertise, coaching, and knowledge that they have shared during their time here.


    Veritern is a bag of energy, proactive, first to engage, results-oriented Agilist, Project, Programme, Development and Coaching. They have a great attitude and temperament for this and have a good style for training and coaching. They are extremely approachable.

    Veritern leaned in for me on several occasions when I was actively pursuing Agile opportunities in my own organisation, they reached out and helped me make a business case, get launched, and then coached us on getting up and running and how to be successful with an Agile approach.

    They quickly attached themselves to the Agile movement here and became a key tutor for Agile Learning. I hope that Veritern remains in DXC for some time, but if not they would make an asset to any company who is embarking on or established in Agile methodologies, KANBAN, SCRUM, SAFe, etc.

    David S
    DXC Technology

    Veritern is a dynamo. They roll up their sleeves and do whatever is needed to move the team forward.

    Though they have a thorough understanding of various Agile Frameworks that can assist the team in forming the right processes for their specific circumstances, Veritern’s greatest asset is that they care about the members of their team and work to help each person achieve their professional and personal goals. I look forward to my next opportunity to work with Veritern.

    Richard E

    It has been a fantastic experience working with Veritern. With a team not really pro-change and trailing a long history of delays, Veritern used their extensive agile knowledge and an array of team techniques to turn the ship around.

    They don’t hesitate to say and do what is needed to get things moving in the right direction, and in this case the team got underway, started following process and delivered! Veritern is a scrum artist and a great team to be around, I would love to work with them again in the future to get things done!

    Marc D

    Veritern formó parte de nuestro equipo de Agile Coaches, ayudándonos en la transformación hacia las nuevas formas de trabajo.

    Fueron una pieza clave en el equipo, mostrando polivalencia y capacidad para actuar en todas las capas de la transformación, desde portfolios hasta el nivel producto y con los equipos tanto en la práctica ágil como en las prácticas de ingeniería para crear equipos de alto rendimiento.

    Su versatilidad supone un valor añadido a tener en cuenta.

    Chema G
    Bank of Stantander

    He tenido la oportunidad de trabajar con Veritern casi 2 años. Durante este tiempo, la empresa ha demostrado gran profesionalidad y conocimiento sobre frameworks, prácticas y procesos de transformación ágil.

    Su implicación en el proyecto ha sido total, compartiendo todo su conocimiento y experiencia con el equipo y siempre dispuestos a ayudar a quien lo necesitase. Ha sido un placer y toda una experiencia trabajar con ellos.

    Jose N
    Bank of Stantander

    Veritern was a great addition to our team to drive, support, and progress our focus, taking us to the next level of development required to become more consumer-centric.

    They deployed their expertise in designing a program involving large and smaller sub-workshops that worked across our global team with members based mainly in Japan and European locations.

    Veritern introduced techniques such as the Design Thinking double diamond process, combined with targeted techniques like the 4 W’s and 5 Whys. Given our broad global footprint, Veritern helped create an open and collaborative environment to ensure all members were able to be heard. The group was bought in and active throughout the process to deliver a great output, involving 38 ideas, which was far more than we expected, and we received approval to move to the next phase.

    We believe the team had a positive experience throughout and we highly recommend Veritern’s services to any organization looking to achieve meaningful and lasting results.

    Senior Leader
    Swiss Multinational

    Before Veritern came to Launchpad, I didn’t have a lot of support when it came to personal growth or my role. I was appointed as the Scrum Master at LP, a title at times I couldn’t bring myself to say out loud and felt alone for most of 2020.

    When Veritern arrived it was a real turning point in my mind and career. I suddenly had to be truly transparent with someone I didn’t know and allow them to see where my gaps were (and there were a few!).

    The conversations and Teams meetings that I used to dread, through my own fear of being perceived as stupid, have now become the reason I come to work each day. I feel supported, nurtured, and feel as though I’ve grown so much over the past 5/6 months. I’ve found my voice and my confidence thanks to Veritern and can only hope this will continue.

    Their mentoring has helped me immensely, and our conversations are richer because of this.


    Veritern joined us at Dunelm at a critical time, shortly after a brand acquisition, and at the start of a large-scale agile transformation.

    They were effective agents for change from the start, quick to challenge the status quo, restructure our teams and workflow processes, and handle our various egos with a disarming neutrality that is often missing from certain others.

    I would happily recommend and work with Veritern again if I ever require their services in the future.

    James W

    Veritern’s experienced Agile coaching and mentoring, has played a pivotal role in our transformation.

    They are highly knowledgeable with regards to Product Management and the Value Chain, with the practical experience to back it up. Their experience in high-performance delivery and coaching method allowed us to work much closely as a team to ‘get things done’ and focus on outcomes.

    I valued Veritern’s experience and coaching style in agile and delivery practices and would recommend them to any organisations looking to increase their teams’ and organisational performance.

    James H

    Veritern provided Agile coaching at Dunelm, bringing with them a wealth of experience and knowledge that was paramount to helping us on our journey to transformation.

    They were able to leverage their knowledge and experiences to make some great recommendations, which we have continued to build on and implement.

    Coaching and mentoring from Veritern was a great and always they found the time to sit down and talk through ideas and solutions.

    They leave us in a much better shape than when they first started, and we are grateful for their expertise, coaching, and knowledge that they have shared during their time here.


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    Contact us today to discover how our coaching services can help you or your team achieve exceptional results.

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